Apple uses three new Sony camera sensors in the iPhone 13 Pro Max

a        Apple uses three new Sony camera

 sensors in the iPhone 13 Pro Max

 Apple is reluctant to speak much on the technical details of its smartphones, but after the iPhone 13 series arrived for sale, people keep disassembling them to reveal the bits tech geeks are interested in.

The latest info we received from a Chinese enthusiast are the camera sensors in the iPhone 13 Pro Max. All three shooters have new Sony IMX 7-series sensors behind, while the ToF and front-facing camera inherited the sensors of the iPhone 12 Pro Max.

The main 12MP cam has 26mm focal length equivalent, F/1.5 aperture and 1.9 μm pixel size. There is a sensor-shift OIS and a 7P (seven element) lens in front.

The ultrawide snapper has the same 12MP resolution, a focal length of 13mm on and an F/1.8 aperture of its 6P lens. The most notable upgrade is the addition of autofocus though.

The 12MP telephoto cam now has 77mm focal length for 3x zoom, but its 6P lens with OIS has slower F/2.8 aperture. Depending on the scene you can now leverage night mode on this one to more than make up for that.


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